
FUNDAY instructions

in february i declared the last day of the month Funday. mostly because i was bored to death and needed to get out of the wintery, cabin-fevered mini-house. the reason i want to keep it going is because though i (we) have a generally fun day to day life, when i plan fun things ahead of time, i take care to make a whole day of doing things i've wanted to do but have not yet. i'm very excited about getting miles out tomorrow and doing fun stuff. at some point i have to rename the day because "Funday" just sounds queer. HERE'S WHAT YOU DO: email me at campbellhq@earthlink.net with the link to your Funday postings (include photos, writing, artwork, whatever you did that was pure fun) and i will link back to your site in the body of my post at the end of the day on friday, march 31st. i will accept links from early friday through monday april 3rd. after that, you'll have to wait until next month to be linked, but do still have fun even if you don't post about it!!! here are some things to consider: *animal parks *jumping in those inflatable castles and such *putting on colorful clothes and taking silly photos of yourself *eating crazy food (think flowerheads) *visiting local attractions *listening to your favorite upbeat tunes *picnicking *video arcades *run thru sprinklers *throw glitter into the air and let it fall on you *gather neighborhood kids and play ball *walk a friend's dog or take their kids out to play (please) *slide down the kiddie slide and swing on their swings my dusty soul needs this day much more than i thought! good luck!


Blogger boho girl said...

fantabulous idea, pixie love!

frackin amazing is what it is!

love to you. xoxoxo

3/30/2006 10:58:00 PM  
Blogger Julie said...

I am either going to have to wait unitl next month (too long!) or do a fun day next week...today is crazy with our Romeo and Juliet performance tonight and finishing up tax stuff and dealing with the hit and run damage inflicted on my car, while I'm at work. I hate today! But I love thinking of little fundays being celebrated all over the place and I look forward to a fun day with my man and puppy soon.

3/31/2006 08:56:00 AM  
Blogger nina beana said...


here's some of my fun!

this is great, thanks!

3/31/2006 01:09:00 PM  

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